Publications of William F. Polik
  1. William F. Polik and Walther Burchard, "Static Light Scattering from Aqueous Poly(ethylene oxide) Solutions in the Temperature Range 20-90°C", Macromolecules 16, 978 (1983).

  2. William F. Polik, "Area Filling Algorithms", Computer Language 3:5, 33 (1986).

  3. Dean R. Guyer, William F. Polik, and C. Bradley Moore, "Dissociation Rates for Individual Eigenstates of S0 Formaldehyde: Fluctuations and Barrier Height", Journal of Chemical Physics 84, 6519 (1986).

  4. William F. Polik, "Turbo Graphic Tools", UC Berkeley Campus Software Office (1986).

  5. William F. Polik, "Tech Notebook: Large Turbo Pascal Arrays", PC Tech Journal 4:12, 49 (1986).

  6. Herbert Bitto, Dean R. Guyer, William F. Polik, and C. Bradley Moore, "Dissociation on Ground State Potential Energy Surfaces", Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society 82, 149 (1986).

  7. William F. Polik, Dean R. Guyer, and C. Bradley Moore, "Stark Level-Crossing Spectroscopy of Highly Vibrationally Excited Molecules", Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering 912, 150 (1988).

  8. William F. Polik, "Eigenstate Spectra of a Molecule at its Dissociation Threshold: S0 Formaldehyde", Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1988.

  9. Joan K. Frisoli, William F. Polik, and C. Bradley Moore, "High Resolution Fluorescence Excitation Spectroscopy of S1 d2-Formaldehyde", Journal of Physical Chemistry 92, 5417 (1988).

  10. William F. Polik, C. Bradley Moore, and William H. Miller, "Quantum Interference Among Competing Unimolecular Decay Channels: Asymmetric S0 D2CO Decay Profiles", Journal of Chemical Physics 89, 3584 (1988).

  11. C. Bradley Moore, Young S. Choi, Dean R. Guyer, William F. Polik, and Q.-K. Zheng, "Molecular Eigenstate Spectra at the Threshold for Chemical Bond Breaking: Formaldehyde and Formyl Fluoride", in Laser Spectroscopy IX, edited by M.S. Feld, J.E. Thomas, and A. Mooradian (Academic Press, New York, 1989).

  12. William F. Polik, Dean R. Guyer, and C. Bradley Moore, "Stark Level-Crossing Spectroscopy of S0 Formaldehyde Eigenstates at the Dissociation Threshold", Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 3453 (1990).

  13. William F. Polik, Dean R. Guyer, William H. Miller, and C. Bradley Moore, "Eigenstate-Resolved Unimolecular Reaction Dynamics: Ergodic Character of S0 Formaldehyde at the Dissociation Threshold", Journal of Chemical Physics 92, 3471 (1990).

  14. William H. Miller, Rigoberto Hernandez, C. Bradley Moore, and William F. Polik, "A Transition State Theory-Based Statistical Distribution of Unimolecular Decay Rates, with Application to Unimolecular Decomposition of Formaldehyde", Journal of Chemical Physics, 93, 5657 (1990).

  15. C.B. Moore, Q.-K. Zheng, Y.S. Choi, W.H. Green, S.K. Kim, A.J. Mahoney, W.H. Miller, C.D. Pibel, W.F. Polik, and P. Teal, "The High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Dissociating Molecules", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 332, 109 (1990).

  16. Brian A. Vroon and William F. Polik, "Automating Motion Control with Stepper Motors", American Laboratory, 24:9, 33 (1992).

  17. W.H. Green, Jr., C.B. Moore, and William F. Polik, "Transition States and Rate Constants for Unimolecular Reactions", Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 43, 591 (1992).

  18. William F. Polik, "A Hands-On Helium-Neon Laser for Teaching the Principles of Laser Operation", in Physical Chemistry: Developing a Dynamic Curriculum, edited by R.W. Schwenz and R.J. Moore, 84 (ACS Books, Washington DC, 1993).

  19. Rigoberto Hernandez, William H. Miller, C. Bradley Moore, and William F. Polik, "A Random Matrix/Transition State Theory for the Probability Distribution of State-Specific Unimolecular Decay Rates: Generalization to Include Total Angular Momentum Conservation and Other Dynamical Symmetries", Journal of Chemical Physics 99, 950 (1993).

  20. Rychard J. Bouwens and William F. Polik, "PCSCAN: Scanning Instrument Control, Data Acquisition, and Spectral Analysis Software" (Laser Photonics, Orlando, 1993).

  21. William F. Polik and William S. Mungall, "Computational Chemistry at Hope College", in CAChe at Work in Education (CAChe Scientific, Beaverton, 1994).

  22. William F. Polik and William S. Mungall, "Computational Chemistry: Theory and Applications", Computational Chemistry Workshop Manual (Hope College, Holland, 1994).

  23. William F. Polik and Joanne L. Stewart, "In Chemistry Interviews Two Hope College Chemists", In Chemistry 5:2, 4, November/December 1994.

  24. Stephani Ann B. Solina, Jonathan P. O’Brien, Robert W. Field, and William F. Polik, "The Acetylene S0 Surface: From Dispersed Fluorescence Spectra to Polyads to Dynamics", Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie 99, 555 (1995).

  25. Charles D. Emery, Kenneth S. Overway, Rychard J. Bouwens, and William F. Polik, "Dispersed Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Excited Rovibrational States in S0 Formaldehyde", Journal of Chemical Physics 103, 5279 (1995).

  26. Rychard J. Bouwens, Jon A. Hammerschmidt, Tineke A. Stegink, Martha M. Grzeskowiak, Patrick M. Yorba, and William F. Polik, "Pure Vibrational Spectroscopy of S0 Formaldehyde by Dispersed Fluorescence", Journal of Chemical Physics, 104, 460 (1996).

  27. Stephani Ann B. Solina, Jonathan P. O’Brien, Robert W. Field, and William F. Polik, "Dispersed Fluorescence Spectrum of Acetylene from the A 1Au Origin: Recognition of Polyads and Test of Multiresonant Hamiltonian Model for the X State", Journal of Physical Chemistry 100, 7797 (1996).

  28. Andrew K. Chen and William F. Polik, "K-Rotational Relaxation of S1 H2CO (v4=1, JKaKc=101) via Dispersed Fluorescence Spectroscopy", Journal of Physical Chemistry 100, 10027 (1996).

  29.  Robert W. Field, Jonathan P. O’Brien, Matthew P. Jacobson, Stephani Ann B. Solina, William F. Polik, and Haruki Ishikawa, "Intramolecular Dynamics in the Frequency Domain", Advances in Chemical Physics 101, 463 (1997).

  30. William F. Polik and J. Ruud van Ommen, "The Multi-Resonant Hamiltonian Model and Polyad Quantum Numbers for Highly Excited Vibrational States", Highly Excited States: Relaxation, Reactions, and Structure, edited by A.S. Mullin and G.C. Schatz (American Chemical Society, Washington D.C., 1997) 51-68.

  31. Kevin W. Paulisse and William F. Polik, "DISCUS: WWW Discussion Board Software" (Hope College, Holland, 1997).

  32. Jeffrey A. Bartz, Tyson O. Friday, Bryan R. Goodman, Steven E. Kooi, Richard G. Blair, and William F. Polik, "Energy Disposal in the Photodissociation of Co(CO)3NO near 225 nm", Journal of Physical Chemistry A 102, 10697 (1998).

  33. Kevin W. Paulisse and William F. Polik, "Use of WWW Discussion Boards in Chemistry Education", Journal of Chemical Education 76, 704 (1999).

  34. Richard W. Schwenz and William F. Polik, "Analysis of the Infrared Spectra of Diatomic Molecules", Journal of Chemical Education 76, 1302 (1999).

  35. Katie M. Horsman, Todd P. Chassee, and William F. Polik, "Dispersed Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Formyl Fluoride", Proceedings of the National Council on Undergraduate Research, NCUR99, V, 1455 (1999).

  36. Jordan R. Schmidt and William F. Polik, "WebMO: Web-Based Computational Chemistry", (Hope College, Holland, 2000).

  37. William F. Polik, "The Keys to Innovation: Research, Education, and Entrepreneurship", Chemical Innovation 30:4, 3 (2000).

  38. Richard W. Schwenz, William F. Polik, and Sidney Young, "Analysis of the Vibrational Spectrum of a Linear Molecule", Journal of Chemical Education 77, 670 (2000).

  39. Kevin W. Paulisse, Tyson O. Friday, Margaret L. Graske, and William F. Polik, "Vibronic Spectroscopy and Lifetime of S1 Acrolein", Journal of Chemical Physics 113, 184 (2000).

  40. Katie M. Horsman, Todd P. Chassee, and William F. Polik, "Dispersed Fluorescence Spectroscopy of S0 Formyl Fluoride Vibrational States", Journal of Physical Chemistry 104,10070 (2000).

  41. William F. Polik, "The Place of Undergraduate Research in the ACS Guidelines", Committee on Professional Training Newsletter (American Chemical Society: Washington D.C.) 3:2, 2 (2000).

  42. Karen E. Hahn, Katie M. Horsman, and William F. Polik, "Characterization of n3 Vibrational Levels in S0 Formyl Fluoride using Dispersed Fluorescence Spectroscopy", Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 210, 98 (2001).

  43. William F. Polik, "Undergraduate Research ACS-CPT Supplement", Committee on Professional Training Newsletter (American Chemical Society: Washington D.C.) 3:4, 2 (2002).

  44. William F. Polik, "CPT Updates Guidelines for Undergraduate Chemistry Programs", Committee on Professional Training Newsletter (American Chemical Society: Washington D.C.) 3:5, 1, Fall 2002.

  45. Committee on Professional Training, Edited by William F. Polik, "Undergraduate Professional Education in Chemistry: Guidelines and Evaluation Procedures", (American Chemical Society: Washington D.C.) 2003.

  46. Jordan R. Schmidt and William F. Polik, "WebMO User's Guide" (WebMO LLC: Holland MI) 104 pages, 2003.

  47. Karen E. Hahn and William F. Polik, "Factors Influencing Success in Physical Chemistry", Journal of Chemical Education 81, 567 (2004).

  48. F. Fleming Crim and William F. Polik, "Revision of ACS Guidelines for Undergraduate Chemistry Programs", Journal of Chemical Education 81, 1695 (2004).

  49. F. Fleming Crim and William F. Polik, "Future of the ACS/CPT Approval Program," C&E News, April 25, 2005, p. 42.

  50. William F. Polik, "ACS Guidelines Revision Process Underway," Committee on Professional Training Newsletter (American Chemical Society: Washington D.C.) 4:3, 1-2, Summer 2005.

  51. William F. Polik, "Progress Report on the ACS Guidelines Revision," Committee on Professional Training Newsletter (American Chemical Society: Washington D.C.) 4:4, 1-2, Winter 2005.

  52. William F. Polik, "Report of an ACS Presidential Symposium," Journal of Chemical Education 83, 17-18 (2006).

  53. William F. Polik, "Proposed Revisions to the ACS Guidelines," Committee on Professional Training Newsletter (American Chemical Society: Washington D.C.) 4:5, 1-2, Spring 2006.

  54. William F. Polik and F. Fleming Crim, "The ACS Approval Program and Research Universities," C&E News, October 23, 2006, p. 63.

  55. William F. Polik, "Chemistry Community Feedback on the Proposed ACS Guidelines Changes," Committee on Professional Training Newsletter (American Chemical Society: Washington D.C.) 4:6, 1-2, Fall 2006.

  56. William F. Polik, "Draft ACS Guidelines for Approval of Undergraduate Chemistry Programs," Committee on Professional Training Newsletter (American Chemical Society: Washington D.C.) 6:1, 1-2, Spring 2007.

  57. Michael A. Cortez, Nicole R. Brinkmann, William F., Polik, Peter R. Taylor, Yannick J. Bomble, and John F. Stanton, "Factors Contributing to the Accuracy of Harmonic Force Field Calculations for Water," Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 3, 1267-1274 (2007).

  58. William F. Polik, "Implementation Plan for the New ACS Guidelines," Committee on Professional Training Newsletter (American Chemical Society: Washington D.C.) 5:2, 1-2, Fall 2007.

  59. Calvin Mukarakate, Chong Tao, Christopher D. Jordan, William F. Polik, and Scott A. Reid, "Stimulated Emission Pumping Spectroscopy of the [X]1A' State of CHF," Journal of Physical Chemistry 112, 466-471 (2008).

  60. William F. Polik and Cynthia K. Larive, "New ACS Guidelines Approved by CPT," Journal of Chemical Education 85, 484-487 (2008).

  61. William F. Polik, "New ACS Guidelines Approved," Committee on Professional Training Newsletter (American Chemical Society: Washington D.C.) 6:1, 1-2, Spring 2008.

  62. William F. Polik and Cynthia K. Larive, "New ACS Guidelines For Chemistry Programs," C&E News 86, 46, September 15, 2008.

  63. Kristin K. Ellsworth, Brian D. Lajiness, James P. Lajiness, and William F. Polik, "Dispersed Fluorescence Spectroscopy of S0 Vibrational Levels in Formaldehyde-d," Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 252, 205-213 (2008).

  64. R. Jeffrey Largent, William F. Polik, and J.R. Schmidt, "Symmetrizer: Algorithmic Determination of Point Groups in Nearly Symmetric Molecules," Journal of Computational Chemistry 33, 1637-42 (2012).

  65. Keith T. Kuwata, Brent P. Krueger, Daniela Kohen, and William F. Polik, "Development of a Regional Computational Chemistry Consortium Centered around Undergraduate Research Conferences," CUR Quarterly 32(4), 9-14 (2012).

  66. John L. Davisson, Nicole R. Brinkmann, and William F. Polik, "Accurate and Efficient Calculation of Excited Vibrational States from Quartic Potential Energy Surfaces," Molecular Physics, 110, 2587-2598 (2012).

  67. R. Jay Mashl, Bernie Acs, Edee N. Wiziecki, J. R. Schmidt, and William F. Polik, "Enhancing Chemistry Teaching And Learning Through Computational Tools: A Computational Chemistry Cloud Prototype Using WebMO," Proceedings of The 7th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics (IMSCI 2013), Post-Conference Edition, 2013, p. 7.

  68. Andreana M. Rosnik and William F. Polik, "VPT2+K spectroscopic constants and matrix elements of the transformed vibrational Hamiltonian of a polyatomic molecule with resonances using Van Vleck perturbation theory", Molecular Physics, 112, 261-300 (2014).

  69. Nathan R. Vance and William F. Polik, "Understanding Firewalld in Multi-Zone Configurations", Linux Journal, September 2016, Issue 269, 80-93.

  70. Nathan R. Vance, Michael L. Poublon and William F. Polik, "BYOC: Build Your Own Cluster, Part I - Design", Linux Journal, May 2016, Issue 277, 96-108.

  71. Nathan R. Vance, Michael L. Poublon and William F. Polik, "BYOC: Build Your Own Cluster, Part II - Installation", Linux Journal, June 2016, Issue 278, 74-94.

  72. Nathan R. Vance, Michael L. Poublon and William F. Polik, "BYOC: Build Your Own Cluster, Part III - Configuration", Linux Journal, July 2016, Issue 279, 70-98.

  73. Nathan R. Vance and William F. Polik, "CLIC: Cluster In The Cloud", Linux Journal, November 2017, Issue 283, 100-112.

  74. Eric W. Webb, Jonathan P. Moerdyk, Kyndra B. Sluiter, Benjamin J. Pollock, Amy L. Speelman, Eugene J. Lynch, William F. Polik and Jason G. Gillmore, "Experimental and computational electrochemistry of quinazolinespirohexadienones - differential electrochromic vs photochromic behavior", Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 15, 2473-2485 (2019).

  75. William F. Polik, Joanne L. Stewart, and Kenneth L. Brown, "Electrochemistry: Galvanic Cells and the Nernst Equation", (Virtual Inorganic Pedagogical Electronic Resource, 2020).

  76. Howard A. Dobbs and William F. Polik, "Interfacing TTL and CMOS Logic Levels in the Laboratory", Michigan Academician, 47, 21-30, (2020).

  77. William F. Polik and J.R. Schmidt, "Web-Based Computational Chemistry Calculations in Education and Research", WIREs Computational Molecular Science, 12:1, 1-22, e1544, (2021).

  78. Grace M. Zwiers, Clayton G. Piehl, William F. Polik, "Before the Next Pandemic: Developing a Framework for Assessing Online Labs to Maximize Student Experience", Michigan Academician, submitted.

  1. Kristin K. Ellsworth, Jennifer D. Herdman, Brian D. Lajiness, James P. Lajiness, and William F. Polik, "Dispersed Fluorescence Spectroscopy of S0 Vibrational Levels in Formaldehyde," preprint available.

  2. Nicole R. Brinkmann, William F. Polik, and Peter R. Taylor, "Computation of Quartic Potential Energy Surfaces and Excited Vibrational Levels of H2O", preprint available.

  3. Kenneth S. Overway, Xavier Y. Lauteslager, and William F. Polik, "Rotationally-Resolved Fluorescence Excitation Spectroscopy of Jet-Cooled S1 Acetaldehyde", in preparation.

  4. Gregory D. Martin, Todd P. Chassee, and William F. Polik, "Dispersed Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Excited Rovibrational States in S0 d2-Formaldehyde", in preparation.

  5. J. Ruud van Ommen, Benjamin A. Ellingson, and William F. Polik, "POLYAD: Computation of Highly Excited Vibrational States", in preparation.

William F. Polik 
Department of Chemistry 
Hope College 
Holland, MI 49422-9000 
phone: (616) 395-7639 
fax: (616) 395-7118 